Friday, January 15, 2010

Lines & Shapes

In this image, I concentrated on lines and shapes rather than the scene itself. Can you see what captured my attention?

For 366 straight days we were inseparable; now, it was though we were strangers. It had been 15 days since I held my camera and it felt alien in my hands!


Anonymous said...

anonymous 2-glad to see you back with taht camera !! Love the lines just under the roof edge

Sarah said...

The first thing I noticed was the dark spot on the ground in the snow - how it looked like a heart. But that may be because I've just spent the last 10 minutes thinking about ideas for Julia's Valentine's day cards this year! :-)

For some reason the wite outline of the door looks oddly bright to me too...but I have no idea what you were looking at ! ha!

Please do reacquaint yourself with your dear friend the camera!

Linda said...

I love this image. So simple... I know what you mean about the camera seeming like a stranger. I've taken more shots with my point and shoot than my NEW camera. hmmmm

What process did you use on this image?

The Sunday before I left, I did a shoot of a baby. Check it out on my website. (if you need the address, let me know) I was guaranteed that the baby was one of the happiest around and smiled all the time. You must know where I'm going with this, right? He's 2 1/2 months old and he cried almost the entire time. I still think some of the shots are pretty cute and definitely good "for the record" of how he looks at this age.

Linda said...

PS--the baby shoot is "Lewis Baby".

Framing Images and Memories said...

I really really like this photo. This is one i would frame and hang in my home. I love the clean and crisp lines. Very nice job with the framing too, the border matches and the entire photo is complete as your images always are.