Sunday, November 27, 2011

Jukebox: The Original iPod

A jukebox…the original iPod…is a treasured relic from the past.  Recently I had the good fortune to view one man’s impressive collection of jukeboxes.  The bright, colorful lights of these machines caught my attention.  

Here are Bits ’N Pieces of my favorites…  

The iPod is an excellent example of the technological advances made in music-playing devices.  But I still miss the Happy Days era of the jukebox.

“There was a magic to it that made me want to be a part of the world it came from.    ~Bob Harris

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ice-Cream Parlor

Icy, snow covered roads made for a slippery commute early Friday morning.  Gone are the lazy, warm days of summer…along with trips to the ice-cream parlor!  [Sigh!]

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Terry's Antiques

“I collect antiques.  Why?  Because they’re beautiful.” ~Broderick Crawford

Broderick Crawford passed away on April 26, 1986 and is buried in Ferndale Cemetery in Johnstown, New York.  I wonder if Mr. Crawford ever shopped at Terry’s Antiques?

Sunday, November 6, 2011


A few months ago, Sharon Springs sprang into battle against hydro-fracking by holding a “Day of Action.”  Community members were urged to express their thoughts and concerns about fracking.  Color fabric markers and blank flags were provided…along with music and cookies!  The unique results can be seen blowing in the wind, creating a beautiful statement of protest.

To read more about the campaign against hydro-fracking, click on this link:

“I am only one, but still I am one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” ~ Helen Keller