Sunday, June 19, 2011

Here’s my homework!

A few  months ago, a friend of mine (who lives out of state) asked me to photograph the neighborhood in Gloversville where she and her brother grew up.  Specifically, she asked me to take pictures of their family home, a little park across the street from their house, and the neighborhood school they attended (which is now a museum).

I turned this request into an assignment for my photo group, the Mohawk Valley Photographers.  Due to technical difficulties (my flash drive and Linda’s computer did not like each other), I was unable to show my assignment images at our photo group meeting this past Tuesday evening.  (There is definitely something to be said for old-fashioned paper prints!)

While I took many “straight” shots to send to my friend, I tried to make my assignment images a little more creative.  Finally…here’s my homework!   

And a very Happy Father’s Day to all of you dads out there!


Linda said...

As usual, very, very nice images. Great perspectives that are a little out of the ordinary.

Your friend is going to love these.

Framing Images and Memories said...

You now have quite the collection of images to send off. Nice photos Trish!

Bridget said...

been waiting for these :)
i hope your friend enjoyed all the great shots.